
Archive for April, 2020

PowerShell – Quick way to iterate through a list of items (Part II)

30th April, 2020 Leave a comment

I previously wrote an article about iterating though a list of items in Powershell. Sometimes you get an output from another application (such as a list of usernames) and just want to quickly get some additional information (such as the displayName of the user from Active Directory).

My previous post worked to a limited extent, but I sometimes had issues with it. It turned out that each item may have an extra character at the end of the string. After a bit of investigation appears to be a CR. Not a problem, I just modified the split to include that as well:

$guids = $data.split("`r`n")

Unfortunately, this doubled the number of items returned with every other one being blank. After a bit of investigation I found this forum post with an excellent explanation:

To summarise, the System.String Split method will take an array of characters and split on each occurrence of any character in the array, rather than split on the complete string.

The solution is to use the regex -split operator instead. This also gives an additional benefit of allowing splits on several characters or groups of characters, so we can include all combinations of CR LF.

I’ve also updated the example to use a here-string (@’ ‘@) which allows pasting the data into a continuous block without having to modify the first or last items in the list. Here’s the updated example:

$data = @'

$guids = $data -split "`r`n|`r|`n"

foreach ($guid in $guids) {

Categories: PowerShell, Programming